Giouvarlakia (meatball soup)

A very popular dish in Greek cuisine are giouvarlakia (meatball soup).

These meatballs/dumplings with rice floating in an egg and lemon sauce (avgolemono) are a staple in many homes. We make this quite often and especially for winter, it’s relatively simple to make but that shouldn’t detract from the exquisite taste. The freshness of the lemon together with the creaminess of the egg is so comforting, I also love how some of the rice and herbs separate from the meatballs and combine with the liquid giving it extra texture and flavour.

The simplicity in presentation and preparation of this dish is what makes Greek cuisine what it is. Simple flavours not over worked.

I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do.





  • 1/2 cup arborio rice

  • 1.5 litres of water (could use more it depends on how “soupy” you want it)

  • 1kg minced beef

  • 1tbs olive oil

  • 1 egg

  • 1 onion grated

  • 1/3 cup chopped parsley

  • 1/3 cup chopped dill

  • salt & pepper

  • 30grms butter

  • 2 eggs (for the sauce)

  • 2 lemons juiced (for the sauce)


  1. Add water in a deep pot and start boiling

  2. Combine mince, rice, oil, 1 egg, onion, herbs salt & pepper

  3. Form little meatballs

  4. When water has boiled reduce heat and slowly submerge meatballs in

  5. Add butter, salt & peper, and let the meatballs boil until ready, make sure the rice has cooked through (I tend to taste one to make sure)

  6. In a mixing bowl whisk the eggs.

  7. Once eggs are whisked, very slowly add the lemon juice making sure that you are swiftly whisk the eggs until lemon and eggs are combined throughly

  8. With a laddle, take some of the boiling soup liquid and slowly add to the lemon/egg mixture constantly whisking it

  9. Once mixed through, slowly add mixture back to the pot and again mix through

  10. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes over a slow heat

  11. Serve hot with crusty bread

HINT 1: I prefer arborio rice in this recipe but a lot of people like long grain rice, it’s just personal preference

HINT 2: The lemon/egg (avgolemono) is a little tricky, just make sure you mix the lemon in with the egg quickly so it won’t curdle and do the same when you mix the soup liquid with the egg/lemon mixture so the egg doesn’t cook and separate

HINT 3: You can add carrots, celery and onion to make the stock but I prefer the flavour of the meatballs to be the stock so I tend just to boil water. Again it is a personal preference



Prasopita (Leek Pita)


Rizogalo (rice pudding)