Rizogalo (rice pudding)

I’m sure you would have guessed by now, my mum was an amazing cook.

During the 1960s the early 1970s they had “bougatsatsidika” in Athens, around the Polytechnio. And in plainer english, they owned little hole-in-wall shops that made and sold bougatsa, tiropita, other pites and rizogalo to predominantly students at the universities and polytechnics in Athens.

They had a great business, unfortunately when the military coup in Greece took place the military government interfered with the universities, and my parents were forced to close down their businesses and subsequently come to Australia.

Mum always made a great rizogalo. It is one of the most beautiful memories for me. The milky vanilla and cinammon smell permeating the house when I would come home from school, all warm and filling, and she created the same memories for my kids again making it for their after school snack.

Mum’s rizogalo was simple, a few ingredients and lots of love.





  • 1 cup arborio rice

  • 2 cups water (might need a little more it depends on the rice)

  • 120g caster sugar (or 150g if you want it sweet)

  • 4 cups full cream milk

  • 150g sugar

  • 1ts vanilla extract

  • lemon rind (optional)

  • 2tbs cornflour

  • 2tbs milk (extra)

  • 1ts cinammon (for dusting when ready)


  1. Add water and rice in a saucepan and cook until rice is cooked through (but not overcooked)

  2. Fluff up rice then add milk, sugar, vanilla and lemon rind. Stirring it constantly until milk starts bubbling

  3. Reduce heat

  4. In a separate bowl add cold extra milk and cornflour, mix it to a milky consistency

  5. Add cornflour mixture to rice/milk mixture, stirring it thoroughly

  6. When milk thickens remove from heat, remove lemon rind and pour into bowls

  7. Cool a little and then dust the cinammon

HINT: Arborio rice is best to make this recipe creamy but you can use short grain rice



Giouvarlakia (meatball soup)


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