Prasopita (Leek Pita)

I was presented with a pita challenge by an instagram friend last week and I was going to make a spanakopita (spinach pita). Everyone knows this Greek masterpiece. And I thought hard as to which is my favourite pita, and it’s not spanakopita. Don’t get me wrong, I love spanakopita really, it’s just that another is my favourite.

My favourite savoury pita is prasopita. The deliciate sweet flavour of the leek, the saltiness of the feta together with the buttery flakes of the pastry is definitely my favourite.

I do remember my mum cutting and washing the leeks, making this beautiful pita, but my favourite version of this is from one of my mum’s friends, thea Eleni.

Her pastry is like a puff pastry and it’s all creamy, sweet and salty inside. She credits the creaminess to something as simple as adding a cup of milk into the filling.

So here is my interpretation of her prasopita.

I hope you enjoy!






  • 500g plain flour

  • 1tsp salt

  • 1/2tbs white vinegar

  • 1/2tbs olive oil

  • 280ml of warm water

  • 200g butter melted

  • extra flour for rolling the dough


  • 2 eggs

  • 1kg leeks (white parts only)

  • 300g feta

  • 1 bunch spring onion

  • 1cup milk

  • salt

  • cracked pepper

  • 1/2tbs olive oil to cook leeks


  1. Wash and chop leeks and spring onion let in drain all excess liquid

  2. In a fry pan add olive oil and cook leeks and spring onion until just soft - set aside to cool

  3. Sift flour in a big bowl

  4. Make a well and add salt, vinegar, olive oil and add water slowly mixing it

  5. Combine all the ingredients and form a neat ball

  6. Knead for about 5 minutes until the dough is nice and soft

  7. Divide dough into 2 individual balls, cover with Gladwrap and let them rest for about an hour

  8. Roll out each ball into a rectangular shape, butter with melted butter and fold, repeat process until it forms a small cube-like pastry

  9. Let it rest in the fridge

  10. In a separate bowl, add leek/spring onions, feta, milk, eggs, salt, pepper and mix gently

  11. On a floured surface, roll out dough into a thin round pastry big enough to overhang the baking tray, and line the oiled tray with one filo. Add the leek mixture and top with the other filo sheet, loosely, fold in the ends

  12. With a knife, cut the top layer, that will allow the mixture to cook and release any steam.

  13. Cook in the pre-heated oven for an hour on 180°

Hint: For extra creaminess you can do a bechamel sauce and add to the leek mixture but omit the milk. You can also add dill and/or nutmeg for extra flavour





Giouvarlakia (meatball soup)