Cheats Bougatsa

A while ago I was talking to a friend about an easy tiropita. A quick easy, almost no prep pita. She suggested I try the sweet versions of that from Greece. So on to the Greek blog I go, my Greek is good but not that good in translating recipes, I read the recipe a few times cause I thought I was missing something… yes there is a custard, no there are no eggs!

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Less then a handful of ingredients, minimal prep time, my kind of recipe.

Since then I have done this so many times, the ingredients I always have in the pantry and the fridge so it’s a no-brainer.

What you will get is a creamy custardy base and a crunchy buttery top layer.

Try this and I am sure you will like this as much as I do!

cheat bougatsa
cheat bougatsa


Cheat Bougatsa

Serves 6-10


  • 1 pack filo pastry

  • 1 x 400g sweetened condensed milk

  • 200g butter (preferably unsalted)

  • 2 x tins water (after you empty the condensed milk)

  • 1ts vanilla extract

  • Icing sugar & cinnamon for dusting


  1. Pre-heat oven to 200°

  2. Butter a medium baking dish (30cm x 23cm)

  3. Concertina or scrunch up fillo and place in the baking dish

  4. Melt butter and pour over filo

  5. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes

  6. Empty tin of milk in a bowl

  7. Fill emptied tin with water twice and mix with condensed milk

  8. Add vanilla extract and mixed through

  9. When filo is ready, take out of the oven and pour milk mixutre onto hot filo

  10. Bake for a further 20 minutes

  11. When cooked, slightly cool then dust with icing sugar and cinammon

HINT 1: It goes really nice with vanilla ice cream as well


cheat bougatsa


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